Tabs component

Hierarchy (view full)



$module: Element
$tabList: Element
$tabListItems: NodeListOf<HTMLLIElement>
$tabs: NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>
boundOnHashChange: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Private

      Handle hashchange event

      Returns void

      Returns void, or undefined when prevented

boundTabClick: ((event: MouseEvent) => void)

Type declaration

    • (event): void
    • Private

      Handle tab link clicks


      • event: MouseEvent

        Mouse click event

      Returns void

      Returns void

boundTabKeydown: ((event: KeyboardEvent) => void)

Type declaration

    • (event): void
    • Private

      Handle tab keydown event

      • Press right arrow for next tab
      • Press left arrow for previous tab


      • event: KeyboardEvent

        Keydown event

      Returns void

changingHash: boolean = false
jsHiddenClass: string = 'govuk-tabs__panel--hidden'
mql: MediaQueryList = null
moduleName: string = 'govuk-tabs'

Name for the component used when initialising using data-module attributes.


  • Private

    Update browser URL hash fragment for tab

    • Allows back/forward to navigate tabs
    • Avoids page jump when hash changes


    • $tab: HTMLAnchorElement

      Tab link

    Returns void

  • Private

    Get tab link by hash


    • hash: string

      Hash fragment including #

    Returns HTMLAnchorElement

    Tab link

  • Private

    Handle tab keydown event

    • Press right arrow for next tab
    • Press left arrow for previous tab


    • event: KeyboardEvent

      Keydown event

    Returns void